
A1 Certificate authenticity confirmation service

A1 Certificate authenticity confirmation service

The service enables the verification and confirmation of the authenticity of the A1 Certificate concerning the social security legislation which applies to the holder. The service also informs about the validity of the A1 Certificate.

Fields marked with * are mandatory.

(A1 Form, field 1.1)

Fill in the field
Enter correct Polish national identification number (PESEL)”
Enter correct Polish identity card number

(A1 Form, field 1.3)

Fill in the field

(A1 Form, field 1.2)

Fill in the field


(optional, A1 Form, field 4.2)

Enter correct NIP
Enter correct REGON

(A1 Form, field 2.2)

Date in format yyyy-mm-dd
Fill in the field
Format of the date is incorrect
The date cannot be later than 2100.

(A1 Form, field 2.3)

Date in format yyyy-mm-dd
Fill in the field
Format of the date is incorrect
The date cannot be earlier than 1900
The date cannot be later than 2100.

(A1 Form, field 6.10)

Date in format yyyy-mm-dd
Fill in the field
Format of the date is incorrect

If the A1 certificate footer has a number in the format: "ZUS/DP-A/9999999999/RRRRMMDD", then complete this field only with the element marked in bold, otherwise leave it blank